BUT BEFORE YOU MOVE ON I want to offer you another NEVER BEFORE RELEASED track from my private archives…
In 2006, Strings Attached presented a amazing live show featuring the music of Led Zeppelin in a local historic church in downtown Austin, TX. Imagine Whole Lotta Love being performed near an alter, with stained glass windows only feet away, I was seriously worried about them cracking at several points during the show. The show presented many Austin musicians singing their favorite Zep tunes with Strings Attached backing them. One of my good friends sang Kasmir and Stairway to Heaven…but he didn’t just sing it like the original…he added a little beatboxing flavor to it mixed with some crazy out of this world violin gymnastics. Want to hear that live track now that features John Pointer and yours truly Will Taylor?
Well you can….I’m giving it away for FREE. I’m only asking one small favor in return…
To get a copy of the track I ask that you share a link to my site with your friends on Facebook.
It’s really simple… Just click the share button below, follow the quick prompts and that’s it! Your hidden bonus will be unlocked right away!
The whole thing takes less than 15 seconds. You’ll be helping me out, and you’ll also be getting a pretty gorgeous track… In my humble opinion 🙂
Click here——–>>>
Will Taylor
P.S. Here are a few more words about the Strings Attached 2007 Zeppelin show which you’ll be getting a free track from in seconds.
I was there! It was hands down one of the most amazing live music performances I have ever witnessed. Unbelievably amazing beauty in a gorgeous setting. And Kashmir was perfect. – B. Dawson
You came down the aisle in the dark playing solo violin – it was my first show – I was hooked. – Jennifer P