What’s really exciting to me is that YOU and I hold can have such and emotional affect on others when we share the stories of our experiences with the artists we love.
These stories can be the fuel for our dreams. After all, all I dream to do is play, write, perform and inspire as many people with my music as possible. And the more you share your experiences of our music, the more that dream becomes reality for all of us and so many others who enjoy hearing the music.
After all, what Strings Attached is in the business of, is selling or providing the service of giving you
a life-changing or life-altering experience with music performed in a community setting.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words right?
Well it could also be said that a show is worth a hundred or more stories…
Here’s one from a fan who attended our 2006 White Album show at the Nutty Brown Cafe.
Hard to imagine now, but in 2006 Austin received quite a bit of rain. A LOT of rain! But we loved Will Taylor & Strings Attached, and when we saw that they were playing the Nutty Brown restaurant about halfway between Austin and Dripping Springs and it had rained all day, we decided to risk it and drive out to see if the band’s Beatles White Album concert would happen or be canceled. If you don’t know Nutty Brown, it’s a typical Austin venue–smallish/darkish restaurant space inside, large music space with lots of picnic tables , stage and seating outside.
We arrived. Parked and walked through a lot of mud, went out back. Very nasty-looking weather. Big puddles, plastic almost but not quite protecting the stage. We weren’t hopeful, but we sat down in our rain gear and waited. Across the table from us was a couple with a very small boy, about two years old. We struck up a conversation with them as we waited to see if the concert would happen or not. Time went by, past the time the music was scheduled to start, and the little boy was getting very tired of waiting. His parents tried very hard to allay his boredom, and out of the mom’s backpack came miniature cars, crackers, a sippy cup of juice, but eventually the little boy (Blair, we learned his name was) had really had it. Tears and a mini-tantrum were starting. There were apologies over the PA system from the Nutty Brown restaurant, hoping to get things cleaned up and ready for the band.
But the little boy’s parents were nearing the end of their rope. The mom finally told us that they were not going to wait, that Blair was just getting too out of sorts.
But then–Strings Attached came onstage and started playing! Wonderful old Beatles songs suddenly filled the space! And Blair, the typical two-year old, suddenly looked like a different kid! He started bouncing to the music and smiling. His mom put him down and he stood next to her, doing that little-kid thing of holding onto her with one hand and dancing to the music. When he let her hand go, he bopped up and down the aisles between the tables. He was having the best time of anybody there!
So that’s our big memory of Strings Attached! Blair finally conked out but his parents stayed for the rest of the fabulous music. What a day! – JL
What’s your story? Share it below or drop me an email, a real human being exists beyond these electronic walls.
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